Book in progress

Book in Progress 2023

Jak připravit skvělou prezentaci

On the following lines we have prepared some tips that will be useful for you when preparing your competition presentation.

Objective of presentation

The competition is open to students and professionals, independent authors and publishers. It doesn't matter whether it is a photographic publication, a comic book, a travelogue, a visual catalogue or a beautifully illustrated novel. The competition is open to the most diverse genres and forms.

The goal of your presentation is to present to the jury a project that you think deserves to be published. The jury should understand from your presentation why this topic deserves a book treatment, how your treatment is different from those already available on the market, and why you are the right author.

Book model

Sending a book mock-up with your application is always a good idea.

Presentation outline

The competition presentation must have 20 slides and should be in keynote or pdf format.

Namísto slidů plných textu se raději zaměřte na dobře vypointovaná sdělení, čistý přehledný layout a silné momenty, které si porota dobře zapamatuje.

Rather than slides full of text, focus on well-pointed messages, clean clear layouts and strong moments that the jury will remember.

In the next slides, present the project you are submitting to Book in Progress.

In the final part, inform the jury about the current state of your project and plan what is needed for its successful completion within the competition deadlines.

Presentation to the jury

The presentation takes the form of Pecha Kucha. You have 20 seconds to present each slide. You will be handed a microphone before going on stage. The presentations are streamed online, so you need to stay on brand so that you don't disappear from the shot during the presentation. The presentation is followed by questions from the judges.

For inspiration

Take a look at what the presentation of the winning project looked like in the past.

Good luck